Business & Tech

Design House Brings New Homes, Businesses to Yorkville

Business owners in the area tell Patch what they're best known for and when they got started.

Design House Architectural Services, based in Yorkville, was founded in 1996.

  • Business: Design House Architectural Services 
  • Phone Number: 630-385-2482
  • Submitted by: James Childress, owner
Write a review of Design House in the Patch business directory. You can also learn more on the Design House website and like the business on Facebook for updates.  

When and how did your business get started?

We are residential and small commercial architects. We began in 1996. We have been located in Yorkville for more than seven years. We have designed a great deal of commercial businesses and custom single family homes in Yorkville and the surrounding communities. We work with many local developers and contractors as well as private home owners.

What is your business best known for?

Custom single family residential architecture and design. Small commercial architecture and design.

Why did you choose the town you did to open your business? 

We started in Yorkville from almost the beginning and have watched the town and the surrounding areas grow over the years. We think Yorkville is a great place to do business and also be a part of the surrounding communities.

What's something interesting about your business your customers might not know?

We have designed and been a part of many local businesses in Yorkville, places people probably frequent many times.

Business Spotlight is a regular column featuring information provided by local businesses. If you're a local business, share your information in this form. We also write features about local businesses. To send your ideas, email editor Michael Sewall at Businesses can also blog on Patch or share events in our calendar.

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